a display of different mini tractors

Mini Tractor Price in Pakistan | Affordable 5HP, 7HP, 15HP, 18HP, 25HP Models

Discover updated rates of mini tractors in Pakistan with different horsepower like 5 HP, 7 HP, 15 HP, 18 HP, and 25 HP. You can also choose affordable mini tractors from Millat and Al Ghazi.

There are multiple HP models in this description, so it is suitable for the user who is looking for a different power specification in mini tractors.

Here’s a detailed table showing the prices of power tillers ranging from 5 HP to 25 HP in Pakistan:

Brand/ModelPower (HP)Price (PKR)
20241011 102657 11zonTiller Jimu 15hp₨ 149000
20241011 102756 11zonJimu 7hp7hpRS. 117000
20241011 102816 11zonHonda -FQ6505 HPRS. 177000
Untitled design 1 1 1 600x600 removebg previewMini Power Tiller 2 Stroke2 Stroke 52CC Petrol Brush CutterRS. 33000
20241011 102756 11zonHyundai HYT2407Hp, 4.1kW ,4StrokeRS.134,000
Hyundai 15hp, HYT48015 HP, 4 Stroke Petrol EngineRS.190,000
JIMU AGRI TILLER -JMG-1515hp250,000
20241011 102605 11zonchina 4wd 25hp545,000
20241011 102544 11zonmini belt tractor18HP350,000


Prices can vary based on the dealer and location.

The above prices include basic models; additional features may increase the price.

Power tillers are commonly used for various agricultural tasks such as tilling, plowing, and land preparation

Feel free to ask if you’re looking for specific models or further details! read rickshaw . Mehran car price


Note: Mini tractor prices may vary depending on your region. Because these prices are taken from different market rates. We have tried to give the exact rates but still, these prices may vary from region to region. We are here only to provide you with information about mini tractor Prices. We do not sell them. Our sole purpose is to inform you about mini tractor Prices. Note that we do not sell these products.

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